Fast Healing with Anodyne Nearinfared Therapy
Anodyne therapy for diabetes becomes popular nowadays, anyway still lots of people don't know anodyne, does anodyne near infrared better than laser therapy for diabetes, the answer is yes yes.
Anodyne is a therapeutic device that delivers monochromatic near infrared photo energy through light emitting diodes (LEDS) in contact with the skin. The light is emitted by an array of 60 superluminous Gallium Aluminum Arsinide diodes located on flexible pads, 4 1/4" by 2 1/4" (22 square inches). Monochromatic means that the light emitted is within one specific wavelength, namely 890 nanometers. 890 nm was chosen because of the depth of penetration and high absorption because photo energy to be effective must be absorbed by the target tissue. Since the photo energy (light) is infrared, it cannot be seen.
The average energy emitted from the diodes is 9 milliwatts per square centimeter. The density of the photo energy emitted per pad dining a 30-minute treatment is 43.2 Joule/cm.
Patients using Anodyne nearinfrared therapy system have reported faster healing of bone fractures and ligament strains using the Anodyne. Many patients with unhealed fractures see response and healing even when other strategies were not successful.
Anodyne Equipment for near infrared ther