Prevent Diabetic Foot with monochromatic infrared
Foot insensitivity, particularly among patients with diabetes, is highly correlated with foot wounds and nontraumatic lower extremity amputations (LEA); indeed , PN and peripheral vascular disease are the leading causes of amputations and high mortality rates among both diabetic and nondiabetic patients (Tentolouris, Al-Sabbagh, Walker, Boulton, & Jude, 2004). The preva-lence of PN is extensive. Estimates suggest that 15% of the population over 40 exhibit this condition, and in those with diabetes, the rate is 29% (Gregg et al., 2004).
During years reseachment and clinic applications, near infrared therapy machine emit monochromatic infrared ray with wavelenghth of 850-950nm can penetrate 5cm to hypoderm can be absorbed by the endothelial cells that line the inner surface and make nitric oxide release locally, the nitric oxide in human body is the best mediator for blood vessel dilation.
Diabetic foot effect people's life badly, so the minute you are diagnose as diabetes, take good care and prevent vasculopathy and neuropathy.