Infrared light therapy is a medical procedure that uses light to heal targeted cells in the body. A distinct advantage that this type of therapy has over other processes is that it is completely noninvasive and relatively painless. The healing effects of infrared light last for several hours after treatment, making it a preferred procedure for many patients.
The process works on the principles behind photostimulation. The idea is that cells in the human body react naturally to sunlight. The heat from light can stimulate the release of nitric oxide, which helps boost blood circulation to the affected area. As a result, the area being treated with phototherapy receives the oxygen and nutrients it needs to heal with increased efficiency.
Unfortunately, prolonged exposure to sunlight also can prove dangerous. The skin might burn, and the probability of developing skin cancer increases. Infrared light therapy eliminates these risks almost completely, specifically because of the use of infrared light. Infrared light contains most of the heat needed for photostimulation and possesses a wavelength longer than visible light. By isolating infrared light, therapists can take advantage of its healing properties without exposing their patients to other harmful wavelengths.